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Writing, Music, Art, Food,

Photography, Really Good

TV Shows and Books

Sometimes dramatic but most of the time sarcastic...


An aspiring musician who also loves to write, take pictures, create things, and cook.


I've been trying to blog since I was 15 and I've failed, almost, every time. My sorry attempts are still up  and there are many of them. Categorized blogs on tumblr; for poetries and epiphanies about life, photography, short lived(make up)posts, random reblogs and reposts from other social networks and a sort of personal journal...



John Mayer songs are my go to music. There's an album for every mood or season. I can never seem to get tired of them. 


I write songs that all have the same feel in them and I'm trying to avoid that. Most of them are sad. a lot about heartbreaks and the one that got away but they are rarely about me or my life.


I draw and paint when I can and get frustrated when I can't seem to squeeze any creative juices out of my big head.


You'll find me trying to create things, playing my guitar, cooking, having yet another Harry Potter marathon, catching up on shows or blasting throwback tunes on weekends


Currently employed and hoping to start following my dreams, one step at a time.

I'm pretty much on everything... (Social Media Wise)

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